Unlocking shallow geothermal reservoirs

The most common depth for geothermal energy extraction is 2000 – 3000 meters, where the water reaches a temperature of 70 – 90 degrees Celsius. However, there are significant opportunities for shallower geothermal energy. Geothermal projects at depths of 500-1500 meters can provide more available heat, potentially at lower costs. Currently, there are still technical and economic challenges for geothermal developments in this depth range. Therefore, the aim of this work package is to gather and make available the existing knowledge and experience, for example from the petroleum industry. Based on the collected knowledge, it will be determined which areas require further knowledge development and how this can be achieved.

The research for work package 1 (WP1) consists of several components:

  • Lessons learned from existing extractions (oil & gas, geothermal) in medium depth range (500-1500 m)
    Data collection and discussion through a technical workshop. – TNO, IF Technology, EBN, Shell Geothermal
  • Describing the technical parameters & risks
    Topics include both the drilling and production phases, covering aspects such as well stability, well completion design taking into account sand and fines production, and risk mitigation.
    TNO, IF Technology, EBN, Shell Geothermal
  • Roadmap, reporting, and dissemination
    Identifying the key uncertainties/research topics and a roadmap for the sector to address them.
    TNO, TU Delft, all