
On 12 February 2025, Work Package 1 (WP1) of the Geo4all programme met for an internal workshop. During this session, participating parties TNO, EBN, Shell, HVC, IF Technology, TU Delft, HP Wellscreen and Geothermie Nederland presented interim results to each other. The workshop focused on the available public subsurface data for drilling shallow wells (500-1500m). EBN, Shell, IF Technology and HP Wellscreen shared their findings on earlier drilling of shallow oil, gas and geothermal wells. In addition, experiences and insights were exchanged on configurations and materials used, the design of risk analyses, the geomechanics of the Brussels sand formation and the challenges in preparing a solid business case, among others. The future of shallow geothermal within the renewable energy sector was also discussed. The final results of WP1 are expected this summer. Read more about WP1: Unlocking shallow geothermal reservoirs.