
Following the Geo4all introduction by Radboud and Darren, Elisa and Loes from TNO launched the WP4 session. With the project group already active and some initiatives well underway—Bleiswijk’s first results expected just four days after this kick-off—Elisa likened the experience to “jumping on a moving train.” During the session, we established the goals for work package 3M Coldfront & induced seismicity. Measurements and surveys set to take place in Bleiswijk, Middenmeer, and Kwintsheul (affectionately referred to as “De Heul” by Paul) will be used to validate existing models and reduce uncertainties, helping to mitigate risks associated with production and, especially, injection. These efforts are focused on detecting seismic activity related to injection and subsequent cooling. The anticipated outcome is that with these validations, predictions will be more robust, enabling policy adjustments that allow for higher pressures and lower temperatures during reinjection, ultimately enhancing the productivity of geothermal doublets.

The project group demonstrated strong enthusiasm, with active input and collaboration from all parties involved, including TNO, TU Delft, Gaia, Ennatuurlijk, EBN, and Nature’s Heat. Participants shared valuable experience on downhole logging tenders, addressing aspects such as risks, workflows, and tools. TU Delft proposed accelerating the integration of an existing deep seismometer in Kerkpolder into the KNMI network to enhance project coverage and reduce costs.

The following individuals attended this first work session: Elisa Calignano (Project Leader, TNO), Loes Buijze (Lead Scientist, TNO), Boris Boullenger (Scientist, TNO), Darren Jones (Project Leader Geo4all, TNO), Kris Hopstaken (Geo4all Ambassador, TNO), Eldert Fokker (TNO), Susanne Laumann (Project Participant, TU Delft), Deyan Draganov (Project Participant, TU Delft), Henk van Oeveren (Project Participant, Ennatuurlijk Aardwarmte), Jurriaan Reijs (Project Participant, Gaia NRG), Paul van Schie (Project Participant, Nature’s Heat), Phil Vardon (Project Participant, TU Delft), Sjoukje de Vries (Project Participant, EBN), Pim van Delft (Policy Advisor, Geothermie Nederland).

All participants indicated that they had experienced the Geo4All kick-off and the resulting collaborations, new action points and insights so far to be very positive.

On behalf of the WP4 team,
Pim van Delft, Policy Advisor, Geothermie Nederland