
At the first working meeting on September 26, 2024, for work package 3 (WP3), the following individuals gathered: Maartje Koning (project leader, TNO), Zanne Korevaar (lead scientist, TNO), Coen Leo (project participant, TEON BV), Leon van Bohemen (project participant, Itho Daalderop), Marlies Creyghton (project participant, Canopus Drilling Solutions), and Floris Post (policy advisor, Geothermie Nederland).

WP3 aims to promote the use of deeper closed geothermal systems (from 300 to 1500 meters) by demonstrating that these systems achieve high efficiency and are also environmentally safe. Knowledge will be gained through three pilot drillings in Paterswolde, Tiel, and Delft. In addition, there is the possibility to share data and knowledge obtained by Capopus from drilling in Delft. During the drilling process, subsurface data is collected and combined with intensive monitoring via fiber optic cables. The current performance models (part of the MOOI322009 project ‘Collectieve bodemlus’) are further developed and calibrated in Geo4All using the newly obtained data from all pilots.

This project will result in recommendations in the areas of technology and policy for the further development and performance indicators of deep closed energy systems at Dutch locations with varying subsurface compositions.

At this first working meeting, all participants were informed in more detail about each other’s projects, and initial agreements were made. Additionally, extra ideas were proposed regarding additional model enhancements and extra measuring equipment. The first drillings will be carried out at the beginning of 2025, which means that agreement on and procurement of measurement equipment must be completed in the short term.

On behalf of the WP3 team,
Floris Post, Policy Advisor, Geothermie Nederland