Under the leadership of Geothermie Nederland, EBN, and TNO, 23 parties in the geothermal sector are working together on a broad innovation program called Geo4all. The research themes are expected to yield results that will lead to increased geothermal energy extraction at lower costs, with a focus on societal impact and sustainability.
Background of the Geo4all innovation program
The geothermal sector in the Netherlands has accumulated 15 years of practical experience. Numerous studies have been conducted, and a wealth of knowledge has been gained during this time. In 2020-2021, an inventory of the innovation needs of the geothermal sector was carried out. The report “Innovatie Aardwarmte 2021” forms the foundation for the Geo4all innovation program. Within Geo4all, research institutes collaborate with organizations operating in the field. This approach facilitates the development of knowledge and the sharing of insights that are of great value to the geothermal sector. The program runs from June 2024 to 2028.

Broad support
The innovation program is subsidized with a PPS innovation grant from TKI Nieuw Gas | Topsector Energie. TKI Nieuw Gas approved the Geo4all project plan in June 2024 and has reserved a subsidy of €3.6 million to implement this innovation program over the next three to four years. The project participants themselves are contributing an amount of €2.7 million.

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Work packages
Work package 1

Elisa Calignano, TNO
Work package 2

Jens Wollenweber, TNO
Work package 3

Maartje Koning, TNO
Work package 4

Elisa Calignano, TNO