Innovation program Geo4all
Under the leadership of Geothermie Nederland, EBN, and TNO, 23 parties in the geothermal sector will work together over the coming years on a broad innovation program called Geo4all.
The research themes are expected to deliver results that will lead to increased geothermal energy extraction at lower costs, with societal impact and sustainability also playing an important role.
The geothermal sector in the Netherlands now has 15 years of practical experience. A great deal of knowledge has already been acquired and information gathered. Through the Geo4all innovation program, further in-depth research can be conducted on several topics.

WP1 Geo4all shares insights on shallow geothermal energy
On 12 February 2025, Work Package 1 (WP1) of the Geo4all programme met for an internal workshop. During this session,...

Presentations Geo4all during GET2024
In November 2024, the EAGE Global Energy Transition conference GET 2024 was held in the Netherland. Participants of Geo4all gave...

Geo4all Kick-off
On June 13, 2024, the launch of the Geo4all innovation program was celebrated. During the members' meeting of Geothermie Nederland...
"It is fantastic that we are working with such a diverse group of parties to increase the possibilities of geothermal energy."

Radboud Vorage
Chairman of the Geo4all steering group